Individual Courses

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Course list

Intermediate Python for Data Science

Introduction to Pandas and NumPy for Data Analysis

Introduction to Data Visualization in Python

Telling Stories Using Data Visualization and Information Design

Data Cleaning and Analysis in Python

Advanced Data Cleaning in Python

Data Cleaning Project Walkthrough

Command Line

Text Processing for Data Science

Data Analysis for Business in Python

Introduction to Statistics in Python

Intermediate Statistics in Python

Introduction to Probability in Python

Introduction to Conditional Probability in Python

Hypothesis Testing in Python

Intermediate Command Line for Data Science

Git and Github

Introduction to Supervised Machine Learning in Python

Introduction to Unsupervised Machine Learning in Python

Machine Learning

Linear Algebra For Machine Learning

Linear Regression Modeling in Python

Gradient Descent Modeling in Python

Logistic Regression Modeling in Python

Decision Tree Modeling in Python

Optimizing Machine Learning Models in Python

Analyzing Large Datasets in Spark and Map-Reduce

Introduction to Python for Data Engineering

Dictionaries and Functions in Python

Intermediate Python for Data Engineering

Programming Concepts in Python

Introduction to Algorithms

PostgresSQL for Data Engineering

Optimizing PostgreSQL Databases

NumPy for Data Engineering

Processing Large Datasets In Pandas

Parallel Processing for Data Engineering

Introduction to Data Structures

Recursion and Trees for Data Engineering

Building a Data Pipeline

Data Structures in R

Control Flow, Iteration, and Functions in R

Specialized Data Processing in R

Introduction to Data Visualization in R

Introduction to Data Cleaning in R

Advanced Data Cleaning in R

Introduction to APIs in R

Introduction to Web Scraping in R

Introduction to Statistics in R

Intermediate Statistics in R

Introduction to Probability in R

Conditional Probability in R

Hypothesis Testing in R

Summarizing Data in SQL

Combining Tables in SQL

SQL Subqueries

Linear Regression Modeling in R

Introduction to Machine Learning in R

Introduction to Interactive Web Applications in Shiny

Power BI

Model Data in Power BI

Visualize data in Power BI

Data Analysis in Power BI

Manage Workspaces and Datasets in Power BI

Visualizing Data in Excel

Exploring Data in Excel

Analyzing Data in Excel

Data Visualization Fundamentals in Tableau

Visual Analytics in Tableau

Sharing Insights in Tableau

Introduction to Deep Learning in TensorFlow

Neural Network Fundamentals

Network Architectures

Optimizing Network Parameters

Window Functions in SQL

Introduction to SQL and Databases

Querying SQLite from Python

Querying Databases with SQL and Python

Querying Databases with SQL and R

Sequence Models for Deep Learning

Convolutional Neural Networks for Deep Learning

Natural Language Processing for Deep Learning

Introduction to Python Programming

Python Dictionaries, APIs, and Functions

Python Functions and Jupyter Notebook

Basic Operators and Data Structures in Python

Intermediate Python

Tooling Essentials for Python Users

Designing Dynamic Python Applications with Streamlit

Prompting Large Language Models in Python

AI Skills

APIs and Web Scraping in Python for Data Science

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Aaron Melton

Business Analyst at Aditi Consulting

“Dataquest starts at the most basic level, so a beginner can understand the concepts. I tried learning to code before, using Codecademy and Coursera. I struggled because I had no background in coding, and I was spending a lot of time Googling. Dataquest helped me actually learn.”


Jessica Ko

Machine Learning Engineer at Twitter

“I liked the interactive environment on Dataquest. The material was clear and well organized. I spent more time practicing then watching videos and it made me want to keep learning.”


Victoria E. Guzik

Associate Data Scientist at Callisto Media

“I really love learning on Dataquest. I looked into a couple of other options and I found that they were much too handhold-y and fill in the blank relative to Dataquest’s method. The projects on Dataquest were key to getting my job. I doubled my income!”

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