Data Science Projects
Build your skills through projects: Python, SQL, R, Power BI, Tableau, AI and much more.
Predicting Condominium Sale Prices
Practice using linear regression in R to predict condominium sale prices based on size and location in New York City.
NYC Schools Perceptions
Practice data cleaning, analysis, and visualization in R to explore survey data and showcase your skills with R Notebooks.
Investigating Fandango Movie Ratings
Practice using R to analyze movie ratings data, compare 2015 vs 2016 ratings, and apply sampling and distributions to investigate bias.
Investigating COVID-19 Virus Trends
Practice analyzing COVID-19 data in R to identify affected countries, visualize insights with ggplot2, and quantify testing efforts.
Install RStudio
Practice installing R and RStudio, exploring RStudio’s features, and programming in R to build data science skills.
Creating An Efficient Data Analysis Workflow
Practice control flow, loops, and functions in R to create an efficient, reusable data analysis workflow.
Building a Spam Filter with Naive Bayes
Practice building a spam filter using the Naive Bayes algorithm and key probability concepts in R.
Analyzing Movie Ratings
Practice web scraping with R to extract IMDb movie data, analyze ratings and votes, and build data visualization skills.
New York Solar Resource Data
Practice extracting solar resource data from an API, parsing JSON responses, and converting complex lists into dataframes in R.
Finding the Best Markets to Advertise In
Practice combining statistical skills in R to perform practical data analysis and find the best markets to advertise in.
Winning Jeopardy
Practice using chi-squared tests and text analysis in R to uncover patterns and develop winning strategies for Jeopardy.
Creating a Project Portfolio
Practice building an interactive Shiny app to showcase your R data analysis projects in a professional portfolio.