Data Science Projects
Build your skills through projects: Python, SQL, R, Power BI, Tableau, AI and much more.
Investigating Fandango Movie Ratings
Practice using R to analyze movie ratings data, compare 2015 vs 2016 ratings, and apply sampling and distributions to investigate bias.
NYC Schools Perceptions
Practice data cleaning, analysis, and visualization in R to explore survey data and showcase your skills with R Notebooks.
Investigating Fandango Movie Ratings
Practice statistical analysis in Python to investigate movie rating bias and determine if Fandango inflated ratings.
Building Fast Queries on a CSV
Practice implementing an inventory system for a laptop store using Python classes, dictionaries, and binary search.
Garden Simulator Text Based Game
Practice using OOP, error handling, and randomness in Python to create an interactive gardening game simulator.
Predicting Heart Disease
Practice building a K Nearest Neighbors classifier in Python to predict heart disease risk from patient data.
Word Raider
Practice using Python variables, lists, loops, conditionals, and file handling to build an interactive word-guessing game.
Predicting Condominium Sale Prices
Practice using linear regression in R to predict condominium sale prices based on size and location in New York City.
Kaggle Data Science Survey
Practice analyzing survey data in Python to uncover insights about data science careers and skills.
Exploring Hacker News Posts
Practice using Python loops, string cleaning, and date handling to uncover real-world data insights.
Predicting Listing Gains in the Indian IPO Market Using TensorFlow
Practice building a deep learning model in TensorFlow to predict IPO listing gains using real Indian stock market data.
Investigating COVID-19 Virus Trends
Practice analyzing COVID-19 data in R to identify affected countries, visualize insights with ggplot2, and quantify testing efforts.