February 18, 2022

Tutorial: How to Use the Apply Method in Pandas

The apply() method is one of the most common methods of data preprocessing. It simplifies applying a function on each element in a pandas Series and each row or column in a pandas DataFrame. In this tutorial, we'll learn how to use the apply() method in pandas — you'll need to know the fundamentals of Python and lambda functions. If you aren't familiar with these or need to brush up your Python skills, you might like to try our free Python Fundamentals course.

Let’s dive right in.

Applying a Function on a Pandas Series

Series form the basis of pandas. They are essentially one-dimensional arrays with axis labels called indices.

There are different ways of creating a Series object (e.g., we can initialize a Series with lists or dictionaries). Let’s define a Series object with two lists containing student names as indices and their heights in centimeters as data:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from IPython.display import display

students = pd.Series(data=[180, 175, 168, 190], 
                     index=['Vik', 'Mehdi', 'Bella', 'Chriss'])
Vik       180
Mehdi     175
Bella     168
Chriss    190
dtype: int64

The code above returns the content of the students object and its data type.

The data type of the students object is Series, so we can apply any functions on its data using the apply() method. Let’s see how we can convert the heights of the students from centimeters to feet:

def cm_to_feet(h):
    return np.round(h/30.48, 2)

Vik       5.91
Mehdi     5.74
Bella     5.51
Chriss    6.23
dtype: float64

The students' heights are converted to feet with two decimal places. To do so, we first defined a function that does the conversion, then pass the function name without parentheses to the apply() method. The apply() method takes each element in the Series and applies the cm_to_feet() function on it.

Applying a Function on a Pandas DataFrame

In this section, we're going to learn how to use the apply() method to manipulate columns and rows in a DataFrame.

First, let’s create a dummy DataFrame containing the personal details of a company’s employees using the following snippet:

data = pd.DataFrame({'EmployeeName': ['Callen Dunkley', 'Sarah Rayner', 'Jeanette Sloan', 'Kaycee Acosta', 'Henri Conroy', 'Emma Peralta', 'Martin Butt', 'Alex Jensen', 'Kim Howarth', 'Jane Burnett'],
                    'Department': ['Accounting', 'Engineering', 'Engineering', 'HR', 'HR', 'HR', 'Data Science', 'Data Science', 'Accounting', 'Data Science'],
                    'HireDate': [2010, 2018, 2012, 2014, 2014, 2018, 2020, 2018, 2020, 2012],
                    'Sex': ['M', 'F', 'F', 'F', 'M', 'F', 'M', 'M', 'M', 'F'],
                    'Birthdate': ['04/09/1982', '14/04/1981', '06/05/1997', '08/01/1986', '10/10/1988', '12/11/1992', '10/04/1991', '16/07/1995', '08/10/1992', '11/10/1979'],
                    'Weight': [78, 80, 66, 67, 90, 57, 115, 87, 95, 57],
                    'Height': [176, 160, 169, 157, 185, 164, 195, 180, 174, 165],
                    'Kids': [2, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 2, 0, 3, 1]
EmployeeName Department HireDate Sex Birthdate Weight Height Kids
0 Callen Dunkley Accounting 2010 M 04/09/1982 78 176 2
1 Sarah Rayner Engineering 2018 F 14/04/1981 80 160 1
2 Jeanette Sloan Engineering 2012 F 06/05/1997 66 169 0
3 Kaycee Acosta HR 2014 F 08/01/1986 67 157 1
4 Henri Conroy HR 2014 M 10/10/1988 90 185 1
5 Emma Peralta HR 2018 F 12/11/1992 57 164 0
6 Martin Butt Data Science 2020 M 10/04/1991 115 195 2
7 Alex Jensen Data Science 2018 M 16/07/1995 87 180 0
8 Kim Howarth Accounting 2020 M 08/10/1992 95 174 3
9 Jane Burnett Data Science 2012 F 11/10/1979 57 165 1


In this section, we'll work on dummy requests initiated by the company’s HR team. We'll learn how to use the apply() method by going through different scenarios. We'll explore a new use case in each scenario and solve it using the apply() method.

Scenario 1

Let's assume that the HR team wants to send an invitation email that starts with a friendly greeting to all the employees (e.g., Hey, Sarah!). They asked you to create two columns for storing the employees' first and last names separately, making referring to the employees’ first names easy. To do so, we can use a lambda function that splits a string into a list after breaking it by the specified separator; the default separator character of the split() method is any white space. Let's look at the code:

data['FirstName'] = data['EmployeeName'].apply(lambda x : x.split()[0])
data['LastName'] = data['EmployeeName'].apply(lambda x : x.split()[1])
EmployeeName Department HireDate Sex Birthdate Weight Height Kids FirstName LastName
0 Callen Dunkley Accounting 2010 M 04/09/1982 78 176 2 Callen Dunkley
1 Sarah Rayner Engineering 2018 F 14/04/1981 80 160 1 Sarah Rayner
2 Jeanette Sloan Engineering 2012 F 06/05/1997 66 169 0 Jeanette Sloan
3 Kaycee Acosta HR 2014 F 08/01/1986 67 157 1 Kaycee Acosta
4 Henri Conroy HR 2014 M 10/10/1988 90 185 1 Henri Conroy
5 Emma Peralta HR 2018 F 12/11/1992 57 164 0 Emma Peralta
6 Martin Butt Data Science 2020 M 10/04/1991 115 195 2 Martin Butt
7 Alex Jensen Data Science 2018 M 16/07/1995 87 180 0 Alex Jensen
8 Kim Howarth Accounting 2020 M 08/10/1992 95 174 3 Kim Howarth
9 Jane Burnett Data Science 2012 F 11/10/1979 57 165 1 Jane Burnett

In the code above, we applied the lambda function on the EmployeeName column, which is technically a Series object. The lambda function splits the employees' full names into first and last names. Thus, the code creates two more columns that contain the first and last names of employees.

Scenario 2

Now, let's assume that the HR team wants to know every employee's age and the average age of the employees because they want to determine if an employee's age influences job satisfaction and work engagement.

To get the job done, the first step is to define a function that gets an employee's date of birth and returns their age:

from datetime import datetime, date

def calculate_age(birthdate):
    birthdate = datetime.strptime(birthdate, '
    today = date.today()
    return today.year - birthdate.year - (today.month < birthdate.month)

The calculate_age() function gets a person’s date of birth in a proper format and, after performing a simple calculation on it, returns their age.

The next step is to apply the function on the Birthdate column of the DataFrame using the apply() method, as follows:

data['Age'] = data['Birthdate'].apply(calculate_age)
EmployeeName Department HireDate Sex Birthdate Weight Height Kids FirstName LastName Age
0 Callen Dunkley Accounting 2010 M 04/09/1982 78 176 2 Callen Dunkley 39
1 Sarah Rayner Engineering 2018 F 14/04/1981 80 160 1 Sarah Rayner 40
2 Jeanette Sloan Engineering 2012 F 06/05/1997 66 169 0 Jeanette Sloan 24
3 Kaycee Acosta HR 2014 F 08/01/1986 67 157 1 Kaycee Acosta 36
4 Henri Conroy HR 2014 M 10/10/1988 90 185 1 Henri Conroy 33
5 Emma Peralta HR 2018 F 12/11/1992 57 164 0 Emma Peralta 29
6 Martin Butt Data Science 2020 M 10/04/1991 115 195 2 Martin Butt 30
7 Alex Jensen Data Science 2018 M 16/07/1995 87 180 0 Alex Jensen 26
8 Kim Howarth Accounting 2020 M 08/10/1992 95 174 3 Kim Howarth 29
9 Jane Burnett Data Science 2012 F 11/10/1979 57 165 1 Jane Burnett 42

The single-line statement above applies the calculate_age() function on each element of the Birthdate column and stores the returned values in the Age column.

The last step is to calculate the average age of the employees, as follows:


Scenario 3

The HR manager of the company is exploring options for healthcare coverage for all employees. Potential providers require information about the employees. Since the DataFrame contains the weight and height of each employee, let’s assume the HR manager asked you to provide a Body Mass Index (BMI) for every employee so she can get quotes from potential healthcare providers.

To do the task, first, we need to define a function that calculates the Body Mass Index (BMI). The formula for the BMI is weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared. Because the employees’ heights are measured in centimeters, we need to divide the heights by 100 to obtain the heights in meters. Let’s implement the function:

def calc_bmi(weight, height):
    return np.round(weight/(height/100)**2, 2)

The next step is to apply the function on the DataFrame:

data['BMI'] = data.apply(lambda x: calc_bmi(x['Weight'], x['Height']), axis=1)

The lambda function takes each row's weight and height values, then applies the calc_bmi() function on them to calculate their BMIs. The axis=1 argument means to iterate over rows in the DataFrame.

EmployeeName Department HireDate Sex Birthdate Weight Height Kids FirstName LastName Age BMI
0 Callen Dunkley Accounting 2010 M 04/09/1982 78 176 2 Callen Dunkley 39 25.18
1 Sarah Rayner Engineering 2018 F 14/04/1981 80 160 1 Sarah Rayner 40 31.25
2 Jeanette Sloan Engineering 2012 F 06/05/1997 66 169 0 Jeanette Sloan 24 23.11
3 Kaycee Acosta HR 2014 F 08/01/1986 67 157 1 Kaycee Acosta 36 27.18
4 Henri Conroy HR 2014 M 10/10/1988 90 185 1 Henri Conroy 33 26.30
5 Emma Peralta HR 2018 F 12/11/1992 57 164 0 Emma Peralta 29 21.19
6 Martin Butt Data Science 2020 M 10/04/1991 115 195 2 Martin Butt 30 30.24
7 Alex Jensen Data Science 2018 M 16/07/1995 87 180 0 Alex Jensen 26 26.85
8 Kim Howarth Accounting 2020 M 08/10/1992 95 174 3 Kim Howarth 29 31.38
9 Jane Burnett Data Science 2012 F 11/10/1979 57 165 1 Jane Burnett 42 20.94

The last step is to categorize the employees according to the BMI measurement. A BMI of less than 18.5 is Group One, between 18.5 and 24.9 is Group Two, between 25 and 29.9 is Group Three, and over 30 is Group Four. To implement the solution, we will define a function that returns the various BMI indicators, then apply it on the BMI column of the DataFrame to see each employee falls into which category:

def indicator(bmi):
    if (bmi < 18.5):
        return 'Group One'
    elif (18.5 <= bmi < 25):
        return 'Group Two'
    elif (25 <= bmi < 30):
        return 'Group Three'
        return 'Group Four'

data['BMI_Indicator'] = data['BMI'].apply(indicator)
EmployeeName Department HireDate Sex DoB Weight Height Kids FirstName LastName Age BMI BMI_Indicator
0 Callen Dunkley Accounting 2010 M 04/09/1982 78 176 2 Callen Dunkley 39 25.18 Group Three
1 Sarah Rayner Engineering 2018 F 14/04/1981 80 160 1 Sarah Rayner 40 31.25 Group Four
2 Jeanette Sloan Engineering 2012 F 06/05/1997 66 169 0 Jeanette Sloan 24 23.11 Group Two
3 Kaycee Acosta HR 2014 F 08/01/1986 67 157 1 Kaycee Acosta 36 27.18 Group Three
4 Henri Conroy HR 2014 M 10/10/1988 90 185 1 Henri Conroy 33 26.30 Group Three
5 Emma Peralta HR 2018 F 12/11/1992 57 164 0 Emma Peralta 29 21.19 Group Two
6 Martin Butt Data Science 2020 M 10/04/1991 115 195 2 Martin Butt 30 30.24 Group Four
7 Alex Jensen Data Science 2018 M 16/07/1995 87 180 0 Alex Jensen 26 26.85 Group Three
8 Kim Howarth Accounting 2020 M 08/10/1992 95 174 3 Kim Howarth 29 31.38 Group Four
9 Jane Burnett Data Science 2012 F 11/10/1979 57 165 1 Jane Burnett 42 20.94 Group Two

Scenario 4

Let’s assume the new year is around the corner and the company management has announced that those employees who have more than ten years of experience will get an extra bonus. The HR manager wants to know who is qualified to get the bonus.

To prepare the requested information, you need to apply the following lambda function on the HireDate column, which returns True if the difference between the current year and the hire year is greater than or equal to ten years otherwise False.

mask = data['HireDate'].apply(lambda x: date.today().year - x >= 10)
0     True
1    False
2     True
3    False
4    False
5    False
6    False
7    False
8    False
9     True
Name: HireDate, dtype: bool

Running the code above creates a pandas Series that contains True or False values, called a Boolean mask.

To display the qualified employees, we use the Boolean mask to filter the DataFrame rows. Let’s run the following statement and see the result:

EmployeeName Department HireDate Sex DoB Weight Height Kids FirstName LastName Age BMI
0 Callen Dunkley Accounting 2010 M 04/09/1982 78 176 2 Callen Dunkley 39 25.18
2 Jeanette Sloan Engineering 2012 F 06/05/1997 66 169 0 Jeanette Sloan 24 23.11
9 Jane Burnett Data Science 2012 F 11/10/1979 57 165 1 Jane Burnett 42 20.94

Scenario 5

Let’s assume that tomorrow is Mother’s Day, and the company has planned a Mother’s Day gift for all its female employees who have children. The HR team asked you to prepare a list of the employees who are eligible for the gift. To do the task, we need to write a simple lambda function that considers the Sex and Kids columns to provide the desired result, as follows:

data[data.apply(lambda x: True if x ['Gender'] == 'F' and x['Kids'] > 0 else False, axis=1)]
EmployeeName Department HireDate Sex Birthdate Weight Height Kids FirstName LastName Age BMI
1 Sarah Rayner Engineering 2018 F 14/04/1981 80 160 1 Sarah Rayner 40 31.25
3 Kaycee Acosta HR 2014 F 08/01/1986 67 157 1 Kaycee Acosta 36 27.18
9 Jane Burnett Data Science 2012 F 11/10/1979 57 165 1 Jane Burnett 42 20.94

Running the code above returns the list of employees who will receive the gifts.

The lambda function returns True if a female employee has at least one child; otherwise, it returns False. The result of applying the lambda function on the DataFrame is a Boolean mask that we directly used to filter the DataFrame’s rows.


In this tutorial, we learned what the apply() method does and how to use it by going through different examples. The apply() method is a powerful and efficient way to apply a function on every value of a Series or DataFrame in pandas. Since the apply() method uses C extensions for Python, it performs faster when iterating through all the rows of a pandas DataFrame. However, it isn't a general rule as it's slower when performing the same operation through a column.

Mehdi Lotfinejad

About the author

Mehdi Lotfinejad

Mehdi is a Senior Data Engineer and Team Lead at ADA. He is a professional trainer who loves writing data analytics tutorials.