Learn data science with Dataquest
Why learn data science online?
Traditional education didn’t worked particularly well for me. When I graduated from college in 2008, I had a 2.1 GPA and still no real idea of what I wanted to do. I bounced from job to job, working for UPS, Pepsi, and the US Foreign Service. None of it clicked.
After an interest in predicting the stock market got me into data science, coding, and machine learning, I ended up in a job as a machine learning engineer at online education company edX.
The job appealed to me because edX was using technology to provide an alternative to the traditional education system. But the longer I worked there, the more I saw that the company’s approach was still anchored to the traditional lecture-based teaching format of the institutions that founded it (Harvard, MIT, and Berkeley).
Having learned data science on my own, I knew that it was possible for self-learning students to take a different path. I wanted to create a learning platform that combined the advantages of traditional education (like a well-thought-out curriculum sequence) with the advantages of self-study (like working at your own pace on projects you are personally interested in).