Stephen Mutiso: Learning Data Science with Dataquest

Data Science Intern
Stephen Mutiso

Stephen Mutiso: Learning Data Science with Dataquest

Stephen Mutiso: Learning Data Science with Dataquest

Data Science Intern


Meet Stephen Mutiso, a third-year Mathematics & Computer Science student from Kenya. His studies in Python led him down the path to Data Science, and he chose Dataquest to hone his skills. Let’s explore how Dataquest helped him on this journey and what he’s looking forward to next.

Educational Background

Stephen’s decision to learn data science was influenced by his current studies. “Studying Python as a unit in the university motivated me to opt for Data Science, and it has been a smooth journey for me ever since,” he explains.

Career Goals and Choosing Dataquest

Though currently focusing on his studies, Stephen’s vision for his future is clear: “My vision is to make an impact on any reputable organization that I’ll be working with.” He was drawn to Dataquest for the “best skills” offered, remarking, “I chose Data Science. I hoped to achieve the best skills that can be offered, and luckily enough, Dataquest offers the best.”

Expectations and Experience

Stephen’s expectations were to master the entire Data Science workflow, and his experience did not disappoint. “I expected to be able to do a whole Data Science workflow. My experience has been great; I would actually recommend anyone,” he shares.

Learning Process and Projects

Though balancing other commitments, Stephen found the Dataquest structure motivating. He particularly appreciated the exercises and walkthroughs, noting, “The quick exercises on every screen are a game-changer. The Data Cleaning walkthroughs are genius study materials.”

Skills and Personal Impact

Reflecting on the skills he learned, Stephen proudly asserts, “I learnt a lot of skills in Dataquest. I’m proud of myself.” The learning process bolstered his confidence as well: “On a personal level, Dataquest has helped me to be confident in my work. The way Dataquest arranges the notes and workflow is something that kept me going. At no point in my journey did I feel discouraged.”

Advice and Future Prospects

When asked about advice for others starting on this path, Stephen emphasizes patience and trust in the process. He’s looking forward to applying his newly acquired Machine Learning and Data Cleaning skills, and he concludes, “Dataquest is the best choice I made for my future. It was long but way worth it.”


Stephen’s story is a testament to how educational pursuits can lead to unexpected paths of discovery. Through Dataquest, he found a learning platform that catered to his pace and needs, nurturing his passion for data science. His experience is a source of inspiration for students and aspiring data science professionals alike.

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