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Pandas Tutorial: Data analysis with Python: Part 2

We covered a lot of ground in Part 1 of our pandas tutorial. We went from the basics of pandas DataFrames to indexing and computations. If you're still not confident with Pandas, you might want to check out the Dataquest pandas Course. In this tutorial, we'll dive into one of the most powerful aspects of pandas — its grouping and aggregation functionality. With this functionality, it's dead simple to compute group summary statistics, discover patterns, and slice up your data in various ways. Since Thanksgiving was just last week, we'll use a dataset on what Americans typically eat for Thanksgiving dinner as we explore the pandas library. You can download the dataset here. It contains 1058 online survey responses collected by FiveThirtyEight. Each survey respondent was asked questions about what they typically eat for Thanksgiving, along with some demographic questions, like their gender, income, and location. This dataset will allow us to discover regional and income-based patterns in what Americans eat for Thanksgiving dinner. As we explore the data and try to find patterns, we'll be heavily using the grouping and aggregation functionality of pandas.

We're very into Thanksgiving dinner in America. Just as a note, we'll be using Python 3.5 and Jupyter Notebook to do our analysis.

Reading in and summarizing the data

Our first step is to read in the data and do some preliminary exploration. This will help us figure out how we want to approach creating groups and finding patterns. As you may recall from part one of this tutorial, we can read in the data using the

pandas.read_csv function. The data is stored using Latin-1 encoding, so we additionally need to specify the encoding keyword argument. If we don't, pandas won't be able to load in the data, and we'll get an error:

import pandas as pd
data = pd.read_csv("thanksgiving-2015-poll-data.csv", encoding="Latin-1")
RespondentID Do you celebrate Thanksgiving? What is typically the main dish at your Thanksgiving dinner? What is typically the main dish at your Thanksgiving dinner? - Other (please specify) How is the main dish typically cooked? How is the main dish typically cooked? - Other (please specify) What kind of stuffing/dressing do you typically have? What kind of stuffing/dressing do you typically have? - Other (please specify) What type of cranberry saucedo you typically have? What type of cranberry saucedo you typically have? - Other (please specify) ... Have you ever tried to meet up with hometown friends on Thanksgiving night? Have you ever attended a "Friendsgiving?" Will you shop any Black Friday sales on Thanksgiving Day? Do you work in retail? Will you employer make you work on Black Friday? How would you describe where you live? Age What is your gender? How much total combined money did all members of your HOUSEHOLD earn last year? US Region
0 4337954960 Yes Turkey NaN Baked NaN Bread-based NaN None NaN ... Yes No No No NaN Suburban 18 - 29 Male $75,000 to $99,999 Middle Atlantic
1 4337951949 Yes Turkey NaN Baked NaN Bread-based NaN Other (please specify) Homemade cranberry gelatin ring ... No No Yes No NaN Rural 18 - 29 Female $50,000 to $74,999 East South Central
2 4337935621 Yes Turkey NaN Roasted NaN Rice-based NaN Homemade NaN ... Yes Yes Yes No NaN Suburban 18 - 29 Male $0 to $9,999 Mountain
3 4337933040 Yes Turkey NaN Baked NaN Bread-based NaN Homemade NaN ... Yes No No No NaN Urban 30 - 44 Male $200,000 and up Pacific
4 4337931983 Yes Tofurkey NaN Baked NaN Bread-based NaN Canned NaN ... Yes No No No NaN Urban 30 - 44 Male $100,000 to $124,999 Pacific

5 rows × 65 columns

As you can see above, the data has

65 columns of mostly categorical data. For example, the first column appears to allow for Yes and No responses only. Let's verify by using the pandas.Series.unique method to see what unique values are in the Do you celebrate Thanksgiving? column of data:

data["Do you celebrate Thanksgiving?"].unique()
array(['Yes', 'No'], dtype=object)

We can also view all the column names to see all of the survey questions. We'll truncate the output below to save you from having to scroll:


Index(['Which of these desserts do you typically have at Thanksgiving dinner? Please select all that apply. - Other (please specify).1', 'Do you typically pray before or after the Thanksgiving meal?','How far will you travel for Thanksgiving?','Will you watch any of the following programs on Thanksgiving? Please select all that apply. - Macy's Parade','What's the age cutoff at your "kids' table" at Thanksgiving?','Have you ever tried to meet up with hometown friends on Thanksgiving night?','Have you ever attended a "Friendsgiving?"','Will you shop any Black Friday sales on Thanksgiving Day?','Do you work in retail?','Will you employer make you work on Black Friday?', 'How would you describe where you live?', 'Age', 'What is your gender?', 'How much total combined money did all members of your HOUSEHOLD earn last year?', 'US Region'],

Using this Thanksgiving survey data, we can answer quite a few interesting questions, like:

  • Do people in Suburban areas eat more Tofurkey than people in Rural areas?
  • Where do people go to Black Friday sales most often?
  • Is there a correlation between praying on Thanksgiving and income?
  • What income groups are most likely to have homemade cranberry sauce?

In order to answer these questions and others, we'll first need to become familiar with applying, grouping and aggregation in Pandas.

Applying functions to Series in pandas

There are times when we're using pandas that we want to apply a function to every row or every column in the data. A good example is getting from the values in our

What is your gender? column to numeric values. We'll assign 0 to Male, and 1 to Female. Before we dive into transforming the values, let's confirm that the values in the column are either Male or Female. We can use the pandas.Series.value_counts method to help us with this. We'll pass the dropna=False keyword argument to also count missing values:

data["What is your gender?"].value_counts(dropna=False)

Female    544
Male      481
NaN        33
Name: What is your gender?, dtype: int64

As you can see, not all of the values are

Male or Female. We'll preserve any missing values in the final output when we transform our column. Here's a diagram of the input and outputs we need: ditaa_diagram_1-2 We'll need to apply a custom function to each value in the What is your gender? column to get the output we want. Here's a function that will do the transformation we want:

import math

def gender_code(gender_string):
    if isinstance(gender_string, float) and math.isnan(gender_string):
        return gender_string
    return int(gender_string == "Female")

In order to apply this function to each item in the

What is your gender? column, we could either write a for loop, and loop across each element in the column, or we could use the pandas.Series.apply method. This method will take a function as input, then return a new pandas Series that contains the results of applying the function to each item in the Series. We can assign the result back to a column in the data DataFrame, then verify the results using value_counts:

data["gender"] = data["What is your gender?"].apply(gender_code)
1.0    544 
0.0    481
NaN      33
Name: gender, dtype: int64

Applying functions to DataFrames in pandas

We can use the

apply method on DataFrames as well as Series. When we use the pandas.DataFrame.apply method, an entire row or column will be passed into the function we specify. By default, apply will work across each column in the DataFrame. If we pass the axis=1 keyword argument, it will work across each row. In the below example, we check the data type of each column in data using a lambda function. We also call the head method on the result to avoid having too much output:

data.apply(lambda x: x.dtype).head()

RespondentID                       object
Do you celebrate Thanksgiving?     object
What is typically the main dish at your Thanksgiving dinner?      object
What is typically the main dish at your Thanksgiving dinner? - Other (please specify)     object
How is the main dish typically cooked?     object
dtype: object

Using the apply method to clean up income

We can now use what we know about the

apply method to clean up the How much total combined money did all members of your HOUSEHOLD earn last year? column. Cleaning up the income column will allow us to go from string values to numeric values. First, let's see all the unique values that are in the How much total combined money did all members of your HOUSEHOLD earn last year? column:

data["How much total combined money did all members of your HOUSEHOLD earn last year?"].value_counts(dropna=False)

$25,000 to $49,999      180
Prefer not to answer    136
$50,000 to $74,999      135
$75,000 to $99,999      133
$100,000 to $124,999    111
$200,000 and up          80
$10,000 to $24,999       68
$0 to $9,999             66
$125,000 to $149,999     49
$150,000 to $174,999     40
NaN                      33
$175,000 to $199,999     27
Name: How much total combined money did all members of your HOUSEHOLD earn last year?, dtype: int64

Looking at this, there are

4 different patterns for the values in the column:

  • X to Y — an example is $25,000 to $49,999.

    • We can convert this to a numeric value by extracting the numbers and averaging them.
  • NaN

    • We'll preserve NaN values, and not convert them at all.
  • X and up — an example is $200,000 and up.

    • We can convert this to a numeric value by extracting the number.
  • Prefer not to answer

    • We'll turn this into an NaN value.

Here is how we want the transformations to work:

ditaa_diagram_2-1 We can write a function that covers all of these cases. In the below function, we:

  • Take a string called value as input.
  • Check to see if value is $200,000 and up, and return 200000 if so.
  • Check if value is Prefer not to answer, and return NaN if so.
  • Check if value is NaN, and return NaN if so.
  • Clean up value by removing any dollar signs or commas.
  • Split the string to extract the incomes, then average them.
import numpy as np
def clean_income(value):
    if value == "$200,000 and up":
        return 200000
    elif value == "Prefer not to answer":
        return np.nan
    elif isinstance(value, float) and math.isnan(value):
        return np.nan
    value = value.replace(",", "").replace("

income_high, income_low = value.split(" to ")
    return (int(income_high) + int(income_low)) / 2

After creating the function, we can apply it to the

How much total combined money did all members of your HOUSEHOLD earn last year? column:

data["income"] = data["How much total combined money did all members of your HOUSEHOLD earn last year?"].apply(clean_income)
0     87499.5
1     62499.5
2      4999.5
3    200000.0
4    112499.5
Name: income, dtype: float64

Grouping data with pandas

Now that we've covered applying functions, we can move on to grouping data using pandas. When performing data analysis, it's often useful to explore only a subset of the data. For example, what if we want to compare income between people who tend to eat homemade cranberry sauce for Thanksgiving vs people who eat canned cranberry sauce? First, let's see what the unique values in the column are:

data["What type of cranberry saucedo you typically have?"].value_counts()

Canned                    502
Homemade                  301
None                      146
Other (please specify)     25
Name: What type of cranberry sauce do you typically have?, dtype: int64

We can now filter

data to get two DataFrames that only contain rows where the What type of cranberry saucedo you typically have? is Canned or Homemade, respectively:

homemade = data[data["What type of cranberry saucedo you typically have?"] == "Homemade"]
canned = data[data["What type of cranberry saucedo you typically have?"] == "Canned"]

Finally, we can use the

pandas.Series.mean method to find the average income in homemade and canned:


We get our answer, but it took more lines of code than it should have. What if we now want to compute the average income for people who didn't have cranberry sauce? An easier way to find groupwise summary statistics with pandas is to use the

pandas.DataFrame.groupby method. This method will split a DataFrame into groups based on a column or set of columns. We'll then be able to perform computations on each group. Here's how splitting data based on the What type of cranberry saucedo you typically have? column would look: ditaa_diagram_3-1 Note how each resulting group only has a single unique value in the What type of cranberry saucedo you typically have? column. One group is created for each unique value in the column we choose to group by. Let's create groups from the What type of cranberry saucedo you typically have? column:

grouped = data.groupby("What type of cranberry saucedo you typically have?")
<pandas.core.groupby.DataFrameGroupBy object at 0x10a22cc50>

As you can see above, the

groupby method returns a DataFrameGroupBy object. We can call the pandas.GroupBy.groups method to see what value for the What type of cranberry sauce do you typically have? column is in each group:

{'Canned': Int64Index([   4,    6,    8,   11,   12,   15,   18,   19,   26,   27,
             1040, 1041, 1042, 1044, 1045, 1046, 1047, 1051, 1054, 1057],
            dtype='int64', length=502),
 'Homemade': Int64Index([   2,    3,    5,    7,   13,   14,   16,   20,   21,   23,
             1016, 1017, 1025, 1027, 1030, 1034, 1048, 1049, 1053, 1056],
            dtype='int64', length=301),
 'None': Int64Index([   0,   17,   24,   29,   34,   36,   40,   47,   49,   51,
              980,  981,  997, 1015, 1018, 1031, 1037, 1043, 1050, 1055],
            dtype='int64', length=146),
 'Other (please specify)': Int64Index([   1,    9,  154,  216,  221,  233,  249,  265,  301,  336,  380,
              435,  444,  447,  513,  550,  749,  750,  784,  807,  860,  872,
              905, 1000, 1007],

We can call the

pandas.GroupBy.size method to see how many rows are in each group. This is equivalent to the value_counts method on a Series:

What type of cranberry sauce do you typically have?
Canned                    502
Homemade                  301
None                      146
Other (please specify)     25
dtype: int64

We can also use a loop to manually iterate through the groups:

for name, group in grouped:

(502, 67)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
(301, 67)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
(146, 67)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Other (please specify)
(25, 67)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>

As you can see above, each group is a DataFrame, and you can use any normal DataFrame methods on it. We can also extract a single column from a group. This will allow us to perform further computations just on that specific column:

<pandas.core.groupby.SeriesGroupBy object at 0x1081ef390>

As you can see above, this gives us a

SeriesGroupBy object. We can then call the normal methods we can call on a DataFrameGroupBy object:

What type of cranberry sauce do you typically have?
Canned                    502
Homemade                  301
None                      146
Other (please specify)     25
dtype: int64

Aggregating values in groups

If all we could do was split a DataFrame into groups, it wouldn't be of much use. The real power of groups is in the computations we can do after creating groups. We do these computations through the

pandas.GroupBy.aggregate method, which we can abbreviate as agg. This method allows us to perform the same computation on every group. For example, we could find the average income for people who served each type of cranberry sauce for Thanksgiving (Canned, Homemade, None, etc). In the below code, we:

  • Extract just the income column from grouped, so we don't find the average of every column.
  • Call the agg method with np.mean as input.

    • This will compute the mean for each group, then combine the results from each group.

What type of cranberry sauce do you typically have?
Canned                    83823.403409
Homemade                  94878.107287
None                      78886.084034
Other (please specify)    86629.978261
Name: income, dtype: float64

If we left out only selecting the

income column, here's what we'd get:

RespondentID gender income
What type of cranberry sauce do you typically have?
Canned 4336699416 0.552846 83823.403409
Homemade 4336792040 0.533101 94878.107287
None 4336764989 0.517483 78886.084034
Other (please specify) 4336763253 0.640000 86629.978261

The above code will find the mean for each group for every column in

data. However, most columns are string columns, not integer or float columns, so pandas didn't process them, since calling np.mean on them raised an error.

Plotting the results of aggregation

We can make a plot using the results of our

agg method. This will create a bar chart that shows the average income of each category. In the below code, we:

sauce = grouped.agg(np.mean)
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x109ebacc0>

Aggregating with multiple columns

We can call

groupby with multiple columns as input to get more granular groups. If we use the What type of cranberry saucedo you typically have? and What is typically the main dish at your Thanksgiving dinner? columns as input, we'll be able to find the average income of people who eat Homemade cranberry sauce and Tofurkey, for example:

grouped = data.groupby(["What type of cranberry sauce do you typically have?", "What is typically the main dish at your Thanksgiving dinner?"])
RespondentID gender income
What type of cranberry sauce do you typically have? What is typically the main dish at your Thanksgiving dinner?
Canned Chicken 4336354418 0.333333 80999.600000
Ham/Pork 4336757434 0.642857 77499.535714
I don't know 4335987430 0.000000 4999.500000
Other (please specify) 4336682072 1.000000 53213.785714
Roast beef 4336254414 0.571429 25499.500000
Tofurkey 4337156546 0.714286 100713.857143
Turkey 4336705225 0.544444 85242.682045
Homemade Chicken 4336539693 0.750000 19999.500000
Ham/Pork 4337252861 0.250000 96874.625000
I don't know 4336083561 1.000000 NaN
Other (please specify) 4336863306 0.600000 55356.642857
Roast beef 4336173790 0.000000 33749.500000
Tofurkey 4336789676 0.666667 57916.166667
Turducken 4337475308 0.500000 200000.000000
Turkey 4336790802 0.531008 97690.147982
None Chicken 4336150656 0.500000 11249.500000
Ham/Pork 4336679896 0.444444 61249.500000
I don't know 4336412261 0.500000 33749.500000
Other (please specify) 4336687790 0.600000 119106.678571
Roast beef 4337423740 0.000000 162499.500000
Tofurkey 4336950068 0.500000 112499.500000
Turducken 4336738591 0.000000 NaN
Turkey 4336784218 0.523364 74606.275281
Other (please specify) Ham/Pork 4336465104 1.000000 87499.500000
Other (please specify) 4337335395 0.000000 124999.666667
Tofurkey 4336121663 1.000000 37499.500000
Turkey 4336724418 0.700000 82916.194444

As you can see above, we get a nice table that shows us the mean of each column for each group. This enables us to find some interesting patterns, such as:

  • People who have Turducken and Homemade cranberry sauce seem to have high household incomes.
  • People who eat Canned cranberry sauce tend to have lower incomes, but those who also have Roast Beef have the lowest incomes.
  • It looks like there's one person who has Canned cranberry sauce and doesn't know what type of main dish he's having.

Aggregating with multiple functions

We can also perform aggregation with multiple functions. This enables us to calculate the mean and standard deviation of a group, for example. In the below code, we find the sum, standard deviation, and mean of each group in the

income column:

grouped["income"].agg([np.mean, np.sum, np.std]).head(10)
mean sum std
What type of cranberry sauce do you typically have? What is typically the main dish at your Thanksgiving dinner?
Canned Chicken 80999.600000 404998.0 75779.481062
Ham/Pork 77499.535714 1084993.5 56645.063944
I don't know 4999.500000 4999.5 NaN
Other (please specify) 53213.785714 372496.5 29780.946290
Roast beef 25499.500000 127497.5 24584.039538
Tofurkey 100713.857143 704997.0 61351.484439
Turkey 85242.682045 34182315.5 55687.436102
Homemade Chicken 19999.500000 59998.5 16393.596311
Ham/Pork 96874.625000 387498.5 77308.452805
I don't know NaN NaN NaN

Using apply on groups

One of the limitations of aggregation is that each function has to return a single number. While we can perform computations like finding the mean, we can't for example, call

value_counts to get the exact count of a category. We can do this using the pandas.GroupBy.apply method. This method will apply a function to each group, then combine the results. In the below code, we'll apply value_counts to find the number of people who live in each area type (Rural, Suburban, etc) who eat different kinds of main dishes for Thanksgiving:

grouped = data.groupby("How would you describe where you live?")["What is typically the main dish at your Thanksgiving dinner?"]
grouped.apply(lambda x:x.value_counts())
How would you describe where you live?                        How would you describe where you live?                        
Rural                                   Turkey                    189
                                        Other (please specify)      9
                                        Ham/Pork                    7
                                        I don't know                3
                                        Tofurkey                    3
                                        Turducken                   2
                                        Chicken                     2
                                        Roast beef                  1
Suburban                                Turkey                    449
                                        Ham/Pork                   17
                                        Other (please specify)     13
                                        Tofurkey                    9
                                        Roast beef                  3
                                        Chicken                     3
                                        Turducken                   1
                                        I don't know                1
Urban                                   Turkey                    198
                                        Other (please specify)     13
                                        Tofurkey                    8
                                        Chicken                     7
                                        Roast beef                  6
                                        Ham/Pork                    4
Name: What is typically the main dish at your Thanksgiving dinner?, dtype: int64

The above table shows us that people who live in different types of areas eat different Thanksgiving main dishes at about the same rate.

Free Pandas Cheat Sheet

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NumPy and pandas. You can register and do the first lessons for free. You also might like to take your pandas skills to the next level with our free pandas cheat sheet!

Further reading

In this tutorial, we learned how to use pandas to group data, and calculate results. We learned several techniques for manipulating groups and finding patterns. In the next tutorial, we'll dive more into combining and filtering DataFrames. If you want to learn more about pandas and the material covered in this tutorial, here are some resources:

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