Python Cheat Sheet
This Python cheat sheet—part of our Complete Guide to Python—provides a quick reference for essential Python concepts, focusing on practical use cases for data analysis and programming. It covers fundamental topics like variables, arithmetic, data types, and expands into key areas such as lists, dictionaries, functions, and control flow.
Examples throughout the cheat sheet are drawn from the Mobile App Store Dataset and illustrate common operations, from basic string manipulation to building frequency tables and working with dates and times.
Each section is designed to give you a concise, actionable overview of Python’s core functionality in the context of real-world data.
Table of Contents
Syntax for
How to use
# print(1 + 2)
print(5 * 10)
# This program will only print 50
We call the sequence of characters that follows the #
a code comment; any code that follows #
will not be executed
Arithmetical Operations
1 + 2 # output: 3
4 - 5 # output: -1
30 * 2 # output: 60
20 / 3 # output: 6.666666666666667
4 ** 3 # output: 64
(4 * 18) ** 2 / 10 # output: 518.4
Use parentheses to control the order of operations
Initializing Variables
cost = 20
total_cost = 20 + 2 ** 5
currency = 'USD'
1_app = 'Facebook' # this will cause an error
Variable names can only contain letters, numbers, and underscores―they cannot begin with a number
Updating Variables
x = 30
print(x) # output: 30
x = 50
print(x) # output: 50
To update a variable, use the =
assignment operator to set a new value
Operation Shortcuts
x += 2 # Addition
x -= 2 # Subtraction
x *= 2 # Multiplication
x /= 2 # Division
x **= 2 # Exponentiation
Augmented assignment operators: used to update a variable in place without repeating the variable name; for example, instead of writing: x = x + 2
, you can use: x += 2
Data Types
x = [1 ,2 ,3]
y = 4
print(type(x)) # list
print(type(y)) # integer
print(type('4')) # string
Use the type()
command to determine the data type of a value or variable
int('4') # casting a string to an integer
str(4) # casting an integer to a string
float('4.3') # casting a string to a float
str(4.3) # casting a float to a string
Converting between data types is also referred to as casting
Data Structures
Syntax for
How to use
a_list = [1, 2]
print(a_list) # output: [1, 2, 3]
Creating a list and appending a value to it
row_1 = ['Facebook', 0.0, 'USD', 2974676]
row_2 = ['Instagram', 4.5, 'USD', 2161558]
Creating a list of data points; lists can store multiple data types at the same time
print(row_1[0]) # output: 'Facebook'
print(row_2[0]) # output: 'Instagram'
print(row_1[1]) # output: 0.0
print(row_2[1]) # output: 4.5
print(row_1[3]) # output: 2974676
print(row_2[3]) # output: 2161558
Retrieving an element from a list using each item’s index number; note that list indexing begins at 0
Negative Indexing
print(row_1[-1]) # output: 2974676
print(row_2[-1]) # output: 2161558
print(row_1[-3]) # output: 0.0
print(row_2[-3]) # output: 4.5
print(row_1[-4]) # output: 'Facebook'
print(row_2[-4]) # output: 'Instagram'
Negative list indexing works by counting backwards from the last element, beginning with -1
num_ratings = [row_1[-1], row_2[-1]]
print(name_and_ratings) # output: [2974676, 2161558]
Retrieving multiple list elements to create a new list
List Slicing
row_3 = ['Clash of Clans', 0.0, 'USD', 2130805, 4.5]
print(row_3[:2]) # output: ['Clash of Clans', 0.0]
print(row_3[1:4]) # output: [0.0, 'USD', 2130805]
print(row_3[3:]) # outputs [2130805, 4.5]
List slicing includes the start index but excludes the end index; when the start is omitted, the slice begins at the start of the list; when the end is omitted, it continues to the end of the list
List of Lists
from csv import reader
opened_file = open('AppleStore.csv')
read_file = reader(opened_file)
apps_data = list(read_file)
Opening a dataset file and using it to create a list of lists
row_1 = ['Facebook', 'USD', 2974676, 3.5]
row_2 = ['Instagram', 'USD', 2161558, 8.2]
row_3 = ['Clash', 0.0, 'USD', 2130805, 4.5]
row_4 = ['Fruit', 1.99, 'USD', 698516, 9.1]
lists = [row_1, row_2, row_3, row_4]
Creating a list of lists by initializing a new list whose elements are themselves lists
first_row_first_element = lists[0][0] # output: 'Facebook'
second_row_third_element = lists[1][2] # output: 2161558
third_row_last_element = lists[-2][4] # output: 4.5
last_row_last_element = lists[-1][-1] # output: 9.1
Retrieving an element from a list of lists by first selecting the row, then the element within that row
Slicing List of Lists
first_two_rows = lists[:2]
last_two_rows = lists[-2:]
all_but_first_row = lists[1:]
second_row_partial = lists[1][:3]
# output: ['Instagram', 'USD', 2161558]
last_row_partial = lists[-1][1:3]
# output: [1.99, 'USD']
Slicing lists of lists allows extracting full rows or specific elements from a single row; positive indices select from the start, and negative indices select from the end
# First way:
dictionary = {'key_1': 1, 'key_2': 2}
# Second way:
dictionary = {}
dictionary['key_1'] = 1
dictionary['key_2'] = 2
Creating a dictionary by defining key:value pairs at time of initialization (first way) or by creating an empty dictionary and setting the value for each key (second way)
dictionary = {'key_1': 100, 'key_2': 200}
dictionary['key_1'] # returns 100
dictionary['key_2'] # returns 200
Retrieve individual dictionary values by specifying the key; keys can be strings, numbers, or tuples, but not lists or sets
dictionary = {'key_1': 100 , 'key_2': 200}
'key_1' in dictionary # returns True
'key_5' in dictionary # returns False
100 in dictionary # returns False
Use the in
operator to check for dictionary key membership
dictionary = {'key_1': 100 , 'key_2': 200}
dictionary['key_1'] += 600
dictionary['key_2'] = 400
print(dictionary) # output: {'key_1': 700 , 'key_2': 400}
Update dictionary values by specifying the key and assigning a new value
Frequency Tables
frequency_table = {}
for row in a_data_set:
a_data_point = row[5]
if a_data_point in frequency_table:
frequency_table[a_data_point] += 1
frequency_table[a_data_point] = 1
Builds a frequency table by counting occurrences of values in the 6th column (row[5]
) of a_data_set
, incrementing the count if the value exists, or adding it if not
Defined Intervals
data_sizes = {'0 - 10 MB': 0,
'10 - 50 MB': 0,
'50 - 100 MB': 0,
'100 - 500 MB': 0,
'500 MB +': 0}
for row in app_data[1:]:
data_size = float (row[2])
if data_size < 10000000:
data_sizes['0 - 10 MB'] += 1
elif 10000000 < data_size <= 50000000:
data_sizes['10 - 50 MB'] += 1
elif 50000000 < data_size <= 100000000:
data_sizes['50 - 100 MB'] += 1
elif 10000000 < data_size <= 500000000:
data_sizes['100 - 500 MB'] += 1
elif data_size > 500000000:
data_sizes['500 MB +'] += 1
Categorizes app sizes from apps_data
into predefined ranges (e.g., '0 - 10 MB'
) and increments the corresponding count based on each app's size inside the data_sizes dictionary
Syntax for
How to use
Basic Functions
def square(number):
return number**2
print(square(5)) # output: 25
Create a function with a single parameter: number
def add(x, y):
return x + y
print(add(3 + 14)) # output: 17
Create a function with more than one parameter x
and y
def freq_table(list_of_lists, index):
frequency_table = {}
for row in list_of_lists:
value = row[index]
if value in frequency_table:
frequency_table[value] += 1
frequency_table[value] = 1
return frequency_table
This function creates a frequency table for any given column index
of the provided list_of_lists
def subtract(a, b):
return a - b
print(subtract(a=10, b=7)) # output: 3
print(subtract(b=7, a=10)) # output: 3
print(subtract(10, 7)) # output: 3
Use named arguments and positional arguments
Helper Functions
def find_sum(lst):
a_sum = 0
for element in lst:
a_sum += float(element)
return a_sum
def find_length(lst):
length = 0
for element in lst:
length += 1
return length
def mean(lst):
return find_sum(lst) / find_length(lst)
print(mean([1, 2, 4, 6, 2]) # output: 3
Define helper functions to find the sum and length of a list; the mean
function reuses these to calculate the average by dividing the sum by the length
Multiple Arguments
def price(item, cost):
return "The " + item + " costs $" + str(cost) + "."
print(price("chair", 40.99)) # output: 'The chair costs $40.99.'
Define a function that accepts multiple arguments and returns a formatted string combining both inputs
def price(item, cost):
print("The " + item + " costs $" + str(cost) + ".")
price("chair", 40.99) # output: 'The chair costs $40.99.'
Similar to the previous function, but uses print()
to display the string immediately rather than returning it for further use
Default Arguments
def add_value(x, constant=3.14):
return x + constant
print(add_value(6, 3)) # output: 9
print(add_value(6)) # output: 9.14
Define a function with a default argument; if no second argument is provided, the default value is used in the calculation
Multiple Return Statements
def sum_or_difference(a, b, return_sum=True):
if return_sum:
return a + b
return a - b
print(sum_or_difference(10, 7)) # output: 17
print(sum_or_difference(10, 7, False)) # output: 3
This function uses multiple return statements to either return the sum or the difference of two values, depending on the return_sum
argument, which defaults to True
def sum_or_difference(a, b, return_sum=True):
if return_sum:
return a + b
return a - b
print(sum_or_difference(10, 7)) # output: 17
print(sum_or_difference(10, 7, False)) # output: 3
This function is similar to the previous one but omits the else
clause, returning the difference directly when return_sum
is False
, simplifying the logic
Returning Multiple Values
def sum_and_difference(a, b):
a_sum = a + b
a_difference = a - b
return a_sum, a_difference
sum_1, diff_1 = sum_and_difference(15, 10)
This function returns multiple values (sum and difference) at once by separating them with commas, allowing them to be unpacked into separate variables when called
Syntax for
How to use
continents = "France is in {} and China is in {}".format("Europe", "Asia")
print(continents) # output: France is in Europe and China is in Asia
Insert values by order into placeholders for simple string formatting
squares = "{0} times {0} equals {1}".format(3, 9)
print(squares) # output: 3 times 3 equals 9
Use indexed placeholders to repeat or position values
population = "{name}'s population is {pop} million".format(name="Brazil", pop=209)
print(population) # output: Brazil's population is 209 million
Assign values to named placeholders using variable names
two_decimal_places = "I own {:.2f}% of the company".format(32.5548651132)
print(two_decimal_places) # I own 32.55% of the company
Format a float to two decimal places for precise output
india_pop = "The approximate population of {} is {:,}".format("India", 1324000000)
print(india_pop) # output: The approximate population of India is 1,324,000,000
Insert a number with commas as a thousand separator by position
balance_string = "Your bank balance is ${:,.2f}".format(12345.678)
print(balance_string) # output: Your bank balance is $12,345.68
Format a number with commas and two decimal places for currency formatting
String Cleaning
green_ball = "red ball".replace("red", "green")
print(green_ball) # output: green ball
Replace parts of a string by specifying the old and new values
friend_removed = "hello there friend!".replace(" friend", "")
print(friend_removed) # output: hello there!
Remove a specified substring from a string by replacing it with an empty string
bad_chars = ["'", ",", ".", "!"]
string = "We'll remove apostrophes, commas, periods, and exclamation marks!"
for char in bad_chars:
string = string.replace(char, "")
print(string) # output: Well remove apostrophes commas periods and exclamation marks
Use a loop to remove multiple specified characters from a string by replacing them with an empty string
print("hello, my friend".title()) # output: Hello, My Friend
Capitalize the first letter of each word in the string
split_on_dash = "1980-12-08".split("-")
print(split_on_dash) # output: ['1980', '12', '08']
Split a string into a list of substrings based on the specified delimiter
first_four_chars = "This is a long string."[:4]
print(first_four_chars) # output: This
Slice the string to return the first four characters; missing indices default to the start or end of the string
superman = "Clark" + " " + "Kent"
print(superman) # output: Clark Kent
Concatenate strings using the +
operator to join them with a space
Control Flow
Syntax for
How to use
For Loops
row_1 = ['Facebook', 0.0, 'USD', 2974676]
for element in row_1:
With each iteration, this loop will print an element from row_1
, in order
rating_sum = 0
for row in apps_data[1:]:
rating = float(row[7])
rating_sum = rating_sum + rating
Convert a column of strings (row[7]
) in a list of lists (apps_data
) to a float and keep a running sum of ratings
apps_names = []
for row in apps_data[1:]:
name = row[1]
Append values with each iteration of a for
Conditional Statements
price = 0
print(price == 0) # output: True
print(price == 2) # output: False
Use comparison operators to check if a value equals another, returning True
or False
print('Games' == 'Music') # output: False
print('Games' != 'Music') # output: True
print([1,2,3] == [1,2,3]) # output: True
print([1,2,3] == [1,2,3,4]) # output: False
Compare strings and lists using ==
for equality and !=
for inequality, returning True
or False
If Statements
if True:
print('This will always be printed.')
The condition True
always executes the code inside the if
if True:
if 1 == 1:
Both conditions evaluate to True
, so all print statements are executed
if True:
print('First Output')
if False:
print('Second Output')
if True:
print('Third Output')
Only the blocks with True
conditions are executed, so the second print statement is skipped
Else Statements
if False:
print('The condition above was false.')
The code in the else
clause is always executed when the if
statement is False
if "car" in "carpet":
print("The substring was found.")
print("The substring was not found.")
The in
operator checks if a substring exists in a string, executing the corresponding if
or else block
Elif Statements
if 3 == 1:
print('3 does not equal 1.')
elif 3 < 1:
print('3 is not less than 1.')
print('Both conditions above are false.')
The elif
statement allows for multiple conditions to be tested; if the if
condition is False
, the elif
condition is checked, and if both are False
, the else
block is executed
Multiple Conditions
if 3 > 1 and 'data' == 'data':
print('Both conditions are true!')
if 10 < 20 or 4 >= 5:
print('At least one condition is true.')
Use and
to require both conditions to be True
and or
to require at least one condition to be True
if (20 > 3 and 2 != 1) or 'Games' == 'Game':
print('At least one condition is true.')
Use parentheses to group conditions and control the order of evaluation in complex logical expressions
Object-Oriented Programming Basics
Syntax for
How to use
Defining Classes
class MyClass:
Define an empty class
Instantiating Class Objects
class MyClass:
mc_1 = MyClass()
Instantiate an object from the class by calling the class name followed by parentheses
Setting Class Attributes
class MyClass:
def __init__(self, param_1):
self.attribute = param_1
mc_2 = MyClass("arg_1")
# mc_2.attribute is set to "arg_1"
Use the __init__
method to initialize an object's attributes during instantiation by passing arguments
Defining Class Methods
class MyClass:
def __init__(self, param_1):
self.attribute = param_1
def add_20(self):
self.attribute += 20
mc_3 = MyClass(10) # mc_3.attribute is 10
mc_3.add_20() # mc_3.attribute is now 30
Define a method within the class to modify an attribute; add_20
increases the value of attribute
by 20 when called
Dates and Time
Syntax for
How to use
Importing Datetime Examples
import datetime
current_time = datetime.datetime.now()
Import the module, requiring the full path to access functions or classes
import datetime as dt
current_time = dt.datetime.now()
Import the module with alias dt
for shorter references, a common practice
from datetime import datetime
current_time = datetime.now()
Import only the datetime
class, enabling direct access without the module name prefix
from datetime import datetime, date
current_time = datetime.now()
current_date = date.today()
Import multiple classes from the module, allowing direct use of their respective methods
from datetime import *
current_time = datetime.now()
current_date = date.today()
min_year = MINYEAR
max_year = MAXYEAR
Import all classes and functions from the module, making every definition and all constants accessible without using a prefix; this is not advised for this module
Creating Datetime Objects
import datetime as dt
eg_1 = dt.datetime(1985, 3, 13, 14, 30, 45)
Create a datetime
object with both date (March 13, 1985) and time (14:30:45) components
from datetime import datetime as dt
eg_2 = dt.strptime("15/08/1990 08:45:30",
"%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S")
Convert a formatted string into a datetime
object; the "p" stands for parsing
eg_2_str = eg_2.strftime("%B %d, %Y at %I:%M %p")
print(eg_2_str) # output: "August 15, 1990 at 08:45 AM"
Convert a datetime
object into a formatted string; the "f" stands for formatting
eg_3 = dt.time(hour=5, minute=23, second=45, microsecond=123456)
print(eg_3) # output: 05:23:45.123456
Create a time
object that includes microseconds
eg_4 = dt.timedelta(weeks=3)
future_date = eg_1 + eg_4
print(future_date) # output: 1985-04-03 14:30:45
Add a timedelta
object representing 3 weeks to a datetime
object to calculate a future date
Accessing Datetime Attributes
eg_1.year # returns 1985
eg_1.month # returns 3
eg_2.day # returns 15
eg_2.hour # returns 8
eg_3.minute # returns 23
eg_3.microsecond # returns 123456
Access specific components directly from datetime
and time
objects using their built-in attributes
eg_2_time = eg_2.time()
print(eg_2_time) # output: 08:45:30
Extract the time component from a datetime
object that contains both date and time using the .time()